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    Monday 3 August 2015

    Vaadin Tutorials, Tips & Tricks

    Introduction to Vaadin Framework

    Vaadin is a open source web application framework by which developer can create rich UI. It provide great experience to end user. Vaadin is released under Apache License.

    Why Vaadin?

    Vaadin uses GWT. Vaadin basically uses components which is made of GWT and precompiled. we can make own component to create web application. we create code for server side vaadin handle all client side communication.

    Vaadin basically used for generate dynamic component and it is server driven component. It is server driven because all we are able to handle all UI from server side.

    1.  We can create application in vaadin using Eclipse, Netbeans, and Maven.
    2.  Vaadin uses  layouts, panels, and windows to arrange UI components.
    3.  Vaadin Uses tables and trees to present complex data.
    4.  Vaadin Uses Use advanced components such as progress indicators, context menus, sliders, and  drag-and-drop capabilities.
    5.  Vaadin Include custom HTML, Flash, and other web content.
    6.  Vaadin uses event driven programming mode to handle user interaction.

    Development Environment

    1. Download the Eclipse IDE
    2. Download Apache Tomcat 8.0 (Core Binary Distribution) from Apache Tomcat

    Eclipse Setup for creating vaadin app

    1.  click on help menu and select install a new software option.

    2.  click on Add put in url http://vaadin.com/eclipse in url and click on next and complete all        steps.

    3.  Once Installation completes restart your eclipse. 

    Next Step

    In next tutorial we will learn how set up vaadin and we will create first vaadin application.   

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