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    Saturday 17 October 2015

    Quotes By James Gosling (Father Of Java)

    James Gosling known as father of java. Gosling served Sun Microsystems for a long period from 1984 to 2010,

    Java is first known as oak because of tree outside James Gosling house 

    Below is some famous quotes by James Gosling.

    1.   Java is C++ without the guns, knives, and clubs.

    2.    I am aware of no PC manufacturer that is presently shipping a second, compatible JVM on their Windows systems.

    3.  There's a bunch of people out there getting all hyper, and I don't believe there's anything there for them to get hyper about.

    4. I think everybody has a different answer for what Web services are.

    5. People think of security as a noun, something you go buy. In reality, it's an abstract concept like happiness. Openness is unbelievably helpful to security.

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